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Sentient opposes the attempted eradication and large scale culling of wild horses from Australian wilderness areas.  There is insufficient independent evidence that the degree of environmental damage or risk caused by wild horses justifies the often radical and sometimes inhumane methods of wild horse management currently used.

Sentient Veterinary Member, Dr Andrea Harvey is Wild Horse Welfare Researcher of the Sentient Brumby Working Group. The vision of the working group is to form a group of veterinarians and other animal scientists to become a central resource of scientific information about Brumbies, and hopefully be considered the 'go to' organisation for welfare advice regarding their management.


Key roles for the group are:


·      facilitating and compiling research into specific areas that would advance the welfare of Brumbies;

·      forming strategic alliances with other organisations to develop and propose policies for their humane management;

·      advocating on behalf of their welfare to government and environmental groups.


Some of the key issues for Brumbies historically have been claims of their negative impact on the environment, welfare issues arising from mass aerial shooting, limited alternative options for population control (such as fertility control and passive trapping and adoption), the fragmented approach to advocating for their needs, and the lack of independent scientific evidence upon which to base decisions about the most humane management of these unique wild horses.


If you would like to join or enquire about the Brumby Working Group,

please email us at

BRUMBY WORKING GROUP UPDATE - ‘Loving and Hating Animals in the Wild’

Dr Andrea Harvey, Wild Horse Welfare Researcher for Sentient’s Brumby Working Group, spoke eloquently at the annual Dr Robert Dixon Animal Welfare Memorial Symposiumat Sydney University in July on assessing the welfare of wild animals in Australia and the ethical issues involved in their management.


Andrea’s views are informed by her own innovative doctoral research in conducting fertility trials with brumbies. This symposium was broadcast by ABC’s Radio National for the first time and can be viewed live on the following Centre for Veterinary Education link:


Brumby Working Group Presentation

Brumby Working Group Wild Horse Welfare Researcher, Andrea Harvey, presented a lecture at the annual Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists College Science Week earlier this month, entitled ‘Management of Wild Horses in Australia: is there a humane way forward?’ 

Sentient opposes the attempted eradication and large scale culling of wild horses from Australian wilderness areas.  There is insufficient independent evidence that the degree of environmental damage or risk caused by wild horses justifies the often radical and sometimes inhumane methods of wild horse management currently used.

The Brumby Working Group (BWG) has continued to make progress over the last couple of months.


Another new member joined the group, Dr Sarah Pollard-Williams, who is a Veterinary Science Lecturer at Charles Stuart University.


The BWG made a submission to Parks Victoria regarding their draft plan of management for wild horses in The Greater Alpine National Parks....

Brumby Working Group News Update

July 2014


The newly established Brumby Working Group (BWG) welcomed Dr Sheila Greenwell to join the group this month. Sheila will be a huge asset, having already been working hard on the brumby cause in WA for about 8 years. Sheila has herself been involved in passively trapping, taming and rehoming over 200 brumbies...

Brumby Working Group Update March 2016

Dr Andrea Harvey, PhD student and Wild Horse Welfare Researcher for the Sentient Brumby Working group, has published an article on ‘Taming wild horses for a good welfare outcome: The 4BP way’ 

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